Monday, January 18, 2010


The socials are where you belong. You will be much happier if you come with the socials because we have a better living style, we have money to go to school, and it’s just much easier to live and be happy.

There are many reasons as to why you should join the socials, for example we are more civilized and we can control ourselves and not hurt people as much as greasers. We don’t smoke as much and we talk to each other without yelling or hitting. We care for each other and we don’t go running around stealing and threatening to kill people for things. Greasers smoke twice maybe three times as much as we do and they go around hitting and punching people for no reason. They live in houses that are unstable and get into trouble that they can’t get out of.

Another reason is that we know how to protect ourselves. We can defend ourselves and each other both physically and emotionally. The greasers don’t know how to behave, they are rude and mean and go around screaming and fighting.

A lot of people care about each other but your parents are most of the time the people that love you the most. Socials parents care about there children and treat them the way there meant to be treated. They care where you are at night and make sure your safe when you come home from a party or from school. Greaser’s parents don’t care as much. Some might but most don’t, if they go out at night and come back at 4 in the morning for example the parents don’t even bother asking where they were or if they’re okay.

Socials also have money and can afford to go to school and pay for things like houses, clothes, food, and water. It’s not the greasers fault for not being able to afford things but we also don’t steal things or commit crimes.

The last reason as to why you belong with us rather than those filthy creatures is that it’s just easier to live. What I mean by its easier to live is all the reasons I have been telling you.