Monday, December 20, 2010

Reading Log 1

Reading Log 1

Catching Fire – Hunger Games (Book 2)

Today while I was reading my book I pictured many different images in my head. One of the images that made me feel in a way scared and made the book even more interesting than it already is was when Katniss the main character is walking around with the “star crossed lover boy”, Peeta, and they see a big crowd in the District center, so they go over and Peeta pushes her back and says to go home but she refuses and pushes her way through to see her best friend and the guy who she loved being whipped, she jumps in front of the guy whipping Gabe and she gets hit with the whip across her face. This was one part in my book that I could picture.

The character I connect most with in my book I would say is Gabe. He lives in District 12 and I’m guessing he’s feeling sad and depressed because the girl he loves, Katniss, has left and all he can think is she could die at any point during the games. I can connect with him because my best friend since second grade left to New York on my birthday and I haven’t seen her since last year.

The part where I’m having most difficulty with is at the end of the book. It confused me and made no sense to me because it was talking about her in the games and getting hit by her friends and being picked up by an aircraft, which altogether confused me.

I haven’t done anything that’s similar to what I’ve read in the book. It is a very different kind of book compared to others so there isn’t really much to connect with.

In the book I am reading, the literary features are mostly foreshadowing, metaphors, characterization and personification. There aren’t that many literary features in the book.

The plot of my book is not realistic at all; some parts of it have realistic type scenarios but other than those it is not realistic.

I would like to have Peeta as a friend because he’s caring and from what they show in the book he would seem like a very good friend to have. He seems like one of those people where if I were to be injured and I couldn’t walk he would carry me.

Nothing in this book is really similar to any other books, its different, but I guess you can connect some of the parts where she talks about loving Gabe and Peeta but other than that there is nothing else.

I think what’s going to happen in the next section I read is they are going to get caught from escaping to District 13 and have some sort of punishment that could require death.

If I were to jump into my book right now I would help Katniss and force her to stay in the hospital bed so she doesn’t damage anything else in her body.

The part of the book that I am reading right now that I can visualize that best is when Katniss is walking around with Peeta, and they see a big crowd in the District center, so they go over and Peeta pushes her back and says to go home but she refuses and pushes her way through to see her best friend and the guy who she loves, Gabe, being whipped, she jumps in front of the guy whipping Gabe and she gets hit with the whip across her face. That is that part that I can visualize the best.

The character that reminds me of my life is the character Gabe because he loses or at least thinks he is going to lose someone that he loves very much, and a lot of the things that he does are similar to what happen to me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Happy is the Little Stone Recording

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Monday, March 15, 2010

10 minute reading assignment

Sunday, March 7, 2010


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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Haiti Podcast

Precariously: “dependent on circumstances beyond one's control; uncertain; unstable; insecure: a precarious livelihood.”
Surreal: “having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream; unreal; fantastic: surreal complexities of the bureaucracy.”

The crisis that has recently happened in Haiti is very tragic. Many people have died and are still dying from the lack of water and food that they have left. There is a lot we can do to help them, we can send in medical supplies, canned food so it doesn’t rot, we can send in clothes and things we don’t need that could help the Haitians.
My response to this crisis is to have more and more people help them by sending food, clothing, and money, because they need our help and everyone else’s to survive. If such a thing happened to me I would want people to help me and all the others that got hurt too. When I heard about the earthquake I felt sad and wanted to help them. Even though a lot of people are helping and setting up clinics and places for people that were severally injured there are thousands more out there that might haven’t been found yet or there just isn’t enough room for them to stay that need help. A lot of people are trying to help and even celebrities are sending in millions of dollars to help pay for some sort of care and shelter for the Haitians to stay in.
There are many businesses that send things from different countries into one. For example Red Cross is one really big business that sends things. If you send things there then they might send it to Haiti. What can young people do to make a difference? Young people can help make a difference by once again gathering things they don’t need or sending in clothes that don’t fit them, or even sending food in. For example in our school, the staff members put out boxes by the entrance to the school so we can put in things to send to the Red Cross so they can send it to Haiti. This way all young kids and adults can give things too. We also make small fundraisers and bake sells and give the money we ern to the Haiti relief. Help out Haiti and send as many things as you can. They need the supplies and care too.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Agree or Disagree

1. Politics and political problems are a subject for adults to deal with.
- I agree because most adults are wiser and they know how to handle thing in a better way and can most of the time make good decisions. A lot of adults also have their own opinions and don’t just say what their friends say. As for kids they mostly do that because they don’t know what to say, or how to handle a problem.

2. All scenarios can have a happy ending if those involved work towards it.
- I disagree because in some situations people either won’t try or will but there might not be a happy ending. I also agree because if you try and everyone else try’s then there might be a happy ending. It mostly depends on the people and things around you.

3. Literacy (being able to read and write) is a form of freedom.
- I disagree because everyone has their freedom and they have their own rights to be free and do what they like even if they don’t know how to read or right. Everybody has their opinion and has their freedom to talk.

4. Civilizations without a written language cannot effectively document history.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Outsiders: Characterization

Monday, January 18, 2010


The socials are where you belong. You will be much happier if you come with the socials because we have a better living style, we have money to go to school, and it’s just much easier to live and be happy.

There are many reasons as to why you should join the socials, for example we are more civilized and we can control ourselves and not hurt people as much as greasers. We don’t smoke as much and we talk to each other without yelling or hitting. We care for each other and we don’t go running around stealing and threatening to kill people for things. Greasers smoke twice maybe three times as much as we do and they go around hitting and punching people for no reason. They live in houses that are unstable and get into trouble that they can’t get out of.

Another reason is that we know how to protect ourselves. We can defend ourselves and each other both physically and emotionally. The greasers don’t know how to behave, they are rude and mean and go around screaming and fighting.

A lot of people care about each other but your parents are most of the time the people that love you the most. Socials parents care about there children and treat them the way there meant to be treated. They care where you are at night and make sure your safe when you come home from a party or from school. Greaser’s parents don’t care as much. Some might but most don’t, if they go out at night and come back at 4 in the morning for example the parents don’t even bother asking where they were or if they’re okay.

Socials also have money and can afford to go to school and pay for things like houses, clothes, food, and water. It’s not the greasers fault for not being able to afford things but we also don’t steal things or commit crimes.

The last reason as to why you belong with us rather than those filthy creatures is that it’s just easier to live. What I mean by its easier to live is all the reasons I have been telling you.